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Cumberland, England : Classification : Muster / Militia Rolls

Muster Rolls and Militia Rolls were early forms of census records listing and determining those who would be fit for active service in the event of war.

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Classification:Army, Napoleonic Wars, Muster / Militia Rolls
Title:Army Lists and Roll Calls from Find My Past
Link:Army Lists and Roll Calls from Find My Past
Description:Search Army Lists and Roll Calls
Classification:Graves / Memorials / Roll of Honour, World War I, Discharge / Pension Records, Officers' Records, Service Records, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards
Title:Fold3's UK World War 1 Records
Description:Fold3's UK World War 1 Records main page.
Extra Info:Ancestry's military history companion website with over 31 Million records.
Classification:Graves / Memorials / Roll of Honour, World War II, Prisoners of War, Discharge / Pension Records, Officers' Records, Service Records, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards
Title:Fold3's UK World War 2 Records
Description:Fold3's UK World War 2 Records main page.
Extra Info:Ancestry's military history companion website with over 8.3 Million records.
Classification:Navy, Army, World War I, World War II, Crimean War, Discharge / Pension Records, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards
Title:ISMAY One Name Study
Description:ISMAY One Name Study
Extra Info:Includes military information for many Ismay's.
Classification:Graves / Memorials / Roll of Honour, RAF / RFC / RNAS, Navy, Army, Marines, World War I, World War II, Boer Wars, Napoleonic Wars, Officers' Records, Service Records, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards, Information
Title:Search UK Military Records 1760 to 20th Century
Link:Search UK Military Records 1760 to 20th Century
Description:Search UK Military Records 1760 to 20th Century
Classification:Graves / Memorials / Roll of Honour, RAF / RFC / RNAS, Navy, Army, World War I, World War II, Other Battles / Wars / Conflicts, Muster / Militia Rolls, Information
Title:The Genealogist's Military Records
Link:The Genealogist's Military Records
Description:The Genealogist's Military Records
Extra Info:They currently have 92 Army Lists available ranging from 1661 to 1940 and 28 Navy Lists ranging from 1689 to 1944. Army Lists can contain rank and regiment of officers, details of those stationed abroad and recipients of the Victoria Cross.
Classification:RAF / RFC / RNAS, Navy, Army, Marines, World War I, World War II, Prisoners of War, Service Records, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards, Diaries / Log Books / Letters
Title:The National Archives Online Collections
Description:The National Archives - Collection of Digitised Public Records
Classification:Muster / Militia Rolls, Other
Title:GENUKI County Page for Cumberland
Description:General Information for Cumberland
Classification:Graves / Memorials / Roll of Honour, RAF / RFC / RNAS, Navy, Army, Marines, World War I, World War II, Boer Wars, Crimean War, Napoleonic Wars, Other Battles / Wars / Conflicts, Prisoners of War, Discharge / Pension Records, Officers' Records, Service Records, Pictures / Photographs, Aircraft, Ships, Other Transport, Hospitals / Nursing, Academy / Training / Cadets, Muster / Militia Rolls, Medals / Awards, Uniforms / Badges, Diaries / Log Books / Letters, Newspapers, Maps, Information, Other
Title:Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
Description:Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
Extra Info:Comprehensive general reference for most military topics. Use its search box to find your areas of interest.

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